Category Archives: Audio Tech

“… but I won’t be able to hear the difference …”

In a previous post I explored what high-end audio is.… Read the full post

What is High-End Audio Anyway?

The High End Society is hosting High End 2023 in Munich in May. … Read the full post

The Little Things …

IsoTek EVO3 Titan power conditioner and EVO3 Ascension power cables

High-end audio is not merely about playing music and movies.  Any audio system can play music so you can easily recognise the songs and singers you love. You can follow the dialogue and action in your movies with any TV, soundbar or home theatre system. That’s not what high-end audio is about.… Read the full post

Good Home Theatre Sound

Explosions and big, bold sound effects certainly generate lots of excitement in action movies.  However, they are only a small part of movie sound, even in the most action-packed blockbuster. Most of the sound consists of the dialogue, all the environmental sounds that form the sonic backdrop to the scene, and the music soundtrack. 

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Active Speakers


Active speakers provide an attractive all-in-one solution, with few, if any sonic compromises.  … Read the full post

Les Haut-Parleurs Actifs


Les haut-parleurs actifs offrent une solution tout-en-un attrayante, avec peu ou pas de compromis sonores. … Read the full post

The Goal of a High-End Audio System

Audio systems span the range from inexpensive radios and cell phones all the way to very complex, and expensive, hi-fi and home theatre systems set up in dedicated rooms.  On one level they all have the same basic function: to enable one or more listeners to hear an audio recording.  However, high-end systems are about much more than just producing an intelligible sound from a recording.… Read the full post

L’Objectif d’un Système Audio Haut de Gamme

Les systèmes audio vont des radios et téléphones portables bon marché jusqu’aux systèmes hi-fi et home cinéma très complexes et coûteux installés dans des pièces dédiées. A un niveau, ils ont tous la même fonction de base: permettre à un ou plusieurs auditeurs d’entendre un enregistrement audio. Cependant, les systèmes haut de gamme font bien plus que simplement produire un son intelligible à partir d’un enregistrement.… Read the full post

What is an Audiophile?

Audiophiles love music … but so do lots of other people.  So what is an audiophile?  What sets them apart from other music lovers?  The key is in how audiophiles listen and what they listen for.  While audiophiles listen just as others do, enjoying songs, tunes and movies, they also listen in a different way.

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Qu’est-ce qu’un Audiophile?

Les audiophiles aiment la musique… mais beaucoup d'autres personnes aussi. Alors qu'est-ce qu'un audiophile? Qu'est-ce qui les distingue des autres mélomanes? La clé réside dans la manière dont les audiophiles écoutent et ce qu'ils écoutent. Alors que les audiophiles écoutent comme les autres, appréciant les chansons, les airs et les films, ils écoutent également d'une manière différente.

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